

Discover Streetlifting: A Sport of Strength and Versatility with extra weight

In the fascinating world of fitness and sport, Streetlifting has emerged as a discipline that combines strength, agility and creativity in one challenging package. This unique sport has gained the attention of enthusiasts around the world thanks to its focus on bodyweight exercises performed in urban settings. Among the emblematic exercises that make up Streetlifting are pull-ups, triceps dips, squats and ring movements, all done with an exciting twist: the addition of extra weight.

jaula de streetlifting barra de dominadas

Pull-ups on the Bar: Increasing your Strength

In the fascinating world of fitness and sport, Streetlifting has emerged as a discipline that combines strength, agility and creativity in one challenging package. This unique sport has gained the attention of enthusiasts around the world thanks to its focus on bodyweight exercises performed in urban settings. Among the emblematic exercises that make up Streetlifting are pull-ups, triceps dips, squats and ring movements, all done with an exciting twist: the addition of extra weight.

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